Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lot to Learn for the Indian government!!

I am enclosing a weblink of what is a slideshow about the project plan for a road construction which is currently on in the city of Kuala Lumpur to improve traffic congestion.

What I liked about the slideshow is the systematic analysis of the situation and the proposed solution which is not just put in words but also depicted very well in pictures - real site pictures as well as the road maps.

It is not that India does not have the knowledge of doing it this way, the thing is the time when it is done & how it is done.

This type of information prepares the general public who at the end of the day wants to know what is happening of the tax money that is paid and secondly this also helps the people gear up for the changes that are expected as result of such type of project.

I hope the government officials can take this up seriously. This clearly helps the govt. efforts in making a smooth changeover towards the new plans to be put in place quickly and with a census from the people.
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