Saturday, October 23, 2010

blunder at my end......

Yes... you read it right... I didn't realise the consequences.. until today...

I had purchased a branded water filter for my house... since the water is known to be impure and not safe for drinking... unknowlingly we kept on using the filter... although there were symptoms like the water flow from the filter reduced to a very low level taking lot of time to fill the container.. This led to me thinking about getting a bigger water filter cum dispenser as an option.. and I even had started looking around in supermarkets for a good deal for this... but the cost for these filters was going around RM 500 or more ( Malaysian Ringgit)...bottom line.. I was feeling there was something wrong in not getting good water to drink and why I was not able to get a good solution..

Few days back, I had a discussions within my colleagues from office.. and we started talking about the filter systems etc... and suddenly the discussion led to the maintenance of these filters.. which is when we started discussing on filter cartridge and it dawned on me about - when i had changed my filter cartridge.. I remembered I had opened the filter device to inspect but things seemed alright to me and I had continued with the same filter cartridge....

So this time I decided to inspect the cartridge really well to make sure I might have overlooked something... and dear GOD me.. I was right.... the filter cartridge had clogged to its limits and it was all black in color...I have been cursing myself of neglecting this simple exercise of not regularly changing the filter cartridge..

my son has been getting viral fever quite often since past few months.. I am not a doctor but have a feeling.. the bad water might be one of the reasons for his illness...

secondly my wife has also been complaining that the water tastes funny and that things are tasteless... well one other reason she could have been feeling this way.. we thought was that we are expecting and this could be one of the hormones playing with her taste buds.. So finally now we realise it is not hormones.. but it is the filter cartridge..

So now I have got a new cartridge.. and when I put it in use, there was a huge difference.. water flow is faster... water is tasting better.. and all in all things seem to fall in place..

So my advice to all there would be to check your filter equipments.. regularly and mark your calendars, pda's Iphone's for reminders on changing the filter cartridges regularly and cleaning bigger filtering containers and products in the specified time frames.. and very importantly.. if the tastebuds want to say something to you of what you drink or consume.. please try to look at the root cause...

take care and be safe..

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